GRiEF by TarHead Studio

tisdag 18 september 2012

Pieces in place

New school, new teachers and new friends. 'Tis a good start on the term and hopefully it will keep on truckin' like this! And I got some new pieces for you guys...

© Viktor Blomqvist 2012

© Viktor Blomqvist 2012
© Viktor Blomqvist 2012
© Viktor Blomqvist 2012

torsdag 16 augusti 2012

Inspired by a concept developed by some very talented larp:ers: The Maheva'Jin. Only a handfull of this once proud, wild people is left. Now they roam the forests in the north, their animal-totems pulsing inside their bodies, driving them even more to succumb to their feral selfs. Only time will tell if they choose to walk the path of human... or beast.

©Viktor Blomqvist

torsdag 14 juni 2012

Not much to Tell

When you're between studys and don't have a job you get a lot of spare time. There's a saying that a man can go crazy if he is given to much free will, to many alternatives. I believe that saying is true. Although, it leaves me with lot's of time to draw =) So here is a sketch-dump of my recent works!

© Viktor Blomqvist
For a larger version of the sketch-dump, please visit my deviantart gallery:

torsdag 31 maj 2012

School's over =,(

Asura Won! In my last post I said that I was gonna compare the level of ass-kicking between Kratos from God of War III and Asura from Asura's Wrath. And there you have it: Asura won. Doubt it? Play the game. So, now that school's over, and since I don't have a job, I just have to make the best of the situation. Wich would be: playing Asura's Wrath over and over! I LOVE that game! I'm just gonna say it's awazing, especially the artwork. Just brilliant... Anyho, here's some of my recent work. Feels good to be back i photoshop again. Both of these are done from scratch, no scanned line-art this time since both of the are speed-paintings done in about and hour and a half.

First up is an inspirational piece for a larp character of mine. It's just an idea that's been in my head for a while now. It is Aom Shakam, a lightning spirit.

© Viktor Blomqvist

 I love Exalted. Exalted is a RPG developed by White Wolf, and I mean a real rpg with real character-sheets and real dices! It's probably the best sand-box rpg there is so lot's of cred to the masterminds at White Wolf's. As for the picture here: it's concept-art for a character of mine called Hellord Immolates, one among the Chosens of Hell. He stands as the deity for The Cult of The Guiding Flame and he commands vast demon armies. Whenever he's displaying lot's of emotions, one can see his third eye burning with green flames.

© Viktor Blomqvist


torsdag 17 maj 2012


Yes. I'm finally back from one week of larping, one week in Paris and I've also managed to whip up a decent portfolio and send it to a couple of concept-artist-schools. Boy, am I tired... but it has been so much fun, totally worth it.

© Viktor Blomqvist
© Viktor Blomqvist
And now... something for my fellow bad-ass enthusiasts:

Recently I borrowed God of War III from a friend and yesterday I purchased Asura's Wrath. It's time to see who's the biggest bad-ass out of these two god-kicking machines!

onsdag 18 april 2012


Picture © Viktor Blomqvist. Zaraki Kenpachi (Bleach) © Tite Kubo 
Fan-art of my favorite bleach-character, Zaraki Kenpachi!

måndag 9 april 2012

BeforendAfter EasterBreak

©Viktor Blomqvist

©Viktor Blomqvist
©Viktor Blomqvist

©Viktor Blomqvist

©Viktor Blomqvist
Here's the collection of pieces I've done during easter-break and the week before. As always: klick on for a larger image. Hope you had a joyfull easter! Peace.

tisdag 20 mars 2012

The Deathking!

© Viktor Blomqvist
So here's a... sketch. Sweet Vishnu, I'm still green in colouring with that smooth style I've seen the fellas on youtube speed-paintings do it. But every work is a step forward!

måndag 19 mars 2012


Phew... Well, it's been a pretty effective day. Got good pictures of the croquis drawings I'm thinking of using in my application for the game artist-schools, added a few spots of colour on this painting and got a good start on the "personal letter" (don't really know what it's called in english. Summary?) thing the game artist-schools want you to write. But it's just the beginning of the week and there's still lot's of stuff to do. I just gotta remember to have fun.

onsdag 14 mars 2012

So stuff keeps truckin'

©Viktor Blomqvist
Yes, they do keep truckin'. Many projects on the same time, you know. Making a video for the LARP-projects with The Wolf, still struggling with the applications for the game-art schools so here's a quickie I made this afternoon.

tisdag 6 mars 2012


Alright! now we're cooking! Apparently it is very good to work at several pictures at the same time, it makes it harder to get stuck in one detail. Still learning new things, can't get enough of it. So! Here's a piece I sketched up a long time ago and decided to throw some colour on it. Bam! Hippos... mean b*stards.

© Viktor Blomqvist

fredag 2 mars 2012


Bam! Right out of pure imagination: deep within Winterwood, during a moon-lit night, a rider stops. He stares at the vauge shapes that nestles between the trees. The night has only begun...

© Viktor Blomqvist

tisdag 28 februari 2012

I feel goodish

Heya! Lot's of stuff going on right now with all the big art-schools've opened their apply-time. So here I am, trying to create the best pieces I've ever made before may 14th. Challenge accepted!

©Viktor Blomqvist

torsdag 16 februari 2012


Sorry pals, forgot to upload last wednesday... It was kinda hard to see after the eye surgery. But it's all fine now! So here's some stuff to make up for the delay. As always, click on for a larger image.


Dusk Nolake© Viktor Blomqvist

Aura © Viktor Blomqvist

Samurai Color © Viktor Blomqvist

söndag 5 februari 2012


My first Enso cirkle, a type of meditaional or focus tool in Zen buddhism.

fredag 3 februari 2012


Self-portrait. Click on for a larger image.

©Viktor Blomqvist. All Rights Reserved.    

tisdag 31 januari 2012

Silhouette madness!

It's wednesday and that means update! Light, dark and everything in between... it truly is inspiring. I'm still trying to get a more solid grip of this method and with it, try to widen my gaze, to expand the horizon of my imagination. With this method it becomes a tad bit easier!

The first theme was girls. I feel I need to improve in the whole drawing-females field. So here goes!

The second theme was The Undead. Here I try to find new, creepy concepts for the wicked dead. Not an easy task, but still deadly fun. Ahaha, I'm killing myself! (Morbid jokes, I know).

 ©Viktor Blomqvist. All Rights Reserved.

torsdag 26 januari 2012


Welcome back! I haven't posted an update in a while (bad Viktor!) but hopefully this one will make up for that. I've really gotten into this silhouette-sketching stuff. Also, I've put up a few pieces from my december-exhibition. Stay tuned for more!


"Blue Haeven"

"Spirit of the Night"


©2012 Viktor Blomqvist All rights reserved

onsdag 18 januari 2012