GRiEF by TarHead Studio

tisdag 20 mars 2012

The Deathking!

© Viktor Blomqvist
So here's a... sketch. Sweet Vishnu, I'm still green in colouring with that smooth style I've seen the fellas on youtube speed-paintings do it. But every work is a step forward!

måndag 19 mars 2012


Phew... Well, it's been a pretty effective day. Got good pictures of the croquis drawings I'm thinking of using in my application for the game artist-schools, added a few spots of colour on this painting and got a good start on the "personal letter" (don't really know what it's called in english. Summary?) thing the game artist-schools want you to write. But it's just the beginning of the week and there's still lot's of stuff to do. I just gotta remember to have fun.

onsdag 14 mars 2012

So stuff keeps truckin'

©Viktor Blomqvist
Yes, they do keep truckin'. Many projects on the same time, you know. Making a video for the LARP-projects with The Wolf, still struggling with the applications for the game-art schools so here's a quickie I made this afternoon.

tisdag 6 mars 2012


Alright! now we're cooking! Apparently it is very good to work at several pictures at the same time, it makes it harder to get stuck in one detail. Still learning new things, can't get enough of it. So! Here's a piece I sketched up a long time ago and decided to throw some colour on it. Bam! Hippos... mean b*stards.

© Viktor Blomqvist

fredag 2 mars 2012


Bam! Right out of pure imagination: deep within Winterwood, during a moon-lit night, a rider stops. He stares at the vauge shapes that nestles between the trees. The night has only begun...

© Viktor Blomqvist